Fee Schedule

The School's Advisory Council, through its Finance Committee in consultation with the Catholic Education Office establish the level of fees needed to supplement Government funding.

The school receives funding from the State and Federal Governments. This funding covers approximately 80% of the school’s running costs. The school community is expected to raise the remaining amount through school fees and fund raising. School fees assist in meeting the required amount for the general running costs of the school.  Educational levies are for classroom resources and student insurance.

Each family is expected to pay the school fee and each student’s applicable educational/camp levy. Annual payment should be made as early as possible. Educational levies are included in the annual school fee account.

Families who experience personal financial hardship in meeting school fees at any stage, should contact the Principal. 

Fee Schedule 2024



School Fee:         $2100

Capital Fee:        $ 830


STUDENT LEVY (per student)

Booklist                    $  70

Prep - Three              $275

Threee - Four            $325

Five - Six                  $345

CAMP (per student)

Year 4:     $170

Year 5:     $375     

Year 6:     $380




The student levy covers costs for Curriculum, ICT, IPad, Excursion and Incursion costs

iPads: Foundation to Grade 2 students have access to banks of iPads in each of their learning units.

Grade Three and Four students are part of the new ‘school owned device program’ where parents pay a levy for the use of 1:1 iPad.  This device is for your child’s use only and includes a cover and insurance.  The iPad will remain at school at all times and will move with your child through each year level to the end of Grade 6.


      • School fee payments can be made using Direct Debit, Eftpos, Credit Card, Cheque or BPay.
      • Direct Debit forms are available from the school office or on our website below.



If you are the holder of a health care concession or pension card, please contact the Office to discuss.  You may be eligible for school fee assistance.